All skaters, coaches, parents and executive must abide by the Skate Canada Code of Ethics. This can be found on the Skate Canada website or through the executive.
All members must not engage in conduct injurious to the sport of figure skating. All members must act in a manner that is becoming of the Exeter Skating Club.
Skaters, coaches and parents should refrain from using foul and abusive language.
Skaters must respect other skaters and their rights while on the ice.
Skaters must wear appropriate attire while on the ice, as recommended in the Exeter Skating Club information booklet.This includes mandatory hockey-style, CSA approved helmets for all children on Canskate.
Skaters must respect all coaches at all times.Coaches have absolute control during skating sessions.
All guest skaters will pay guest skating fees before going on the ice.
All members will pay their registration fees before taking part in any skating sessions, unless otherwise approved by the President or Treasurer of the Exeter Skating Club.
Skaters must have permission from their coach to leave the ice.
Skaters must have equal opportunity to have their music played. Coaches may only ask for one solo at a time. Parents may not request a solo to be played.
Skaters should not congregate or socialize on the ice. Rest breaks should be taken off the ice surface.
All skaters and coaches will be supportive of each other and do nothing to hinder another’s performance.
A coach has the right to ask a skater to leave the ice due to poor conduct.
Members will not cause damage to any arena, persons, or property of the Exeter Skating Club.
Members will not possess or consume any alcohol and/or illegal substances during skating sessions.
Members and coaches will have their Skate Canada membership up to date before going on the ice.
All members will respect the personal dignity and privacy of all members/participants of the Exeter Skating Club.
All parents and spectators will not ridicule or be critical of any skater or coach’s performance. They will also respect the actions and decisions of the executive members.
Suggestions or concerns regarding the Exeter Skating Club should be made in writing to the President. If the President is not available, it should be given to an executive member to be passed on to the President at the soonest opportunity.
Complaints are NOT to be made directly to coaches.
Failure to abide by this Code of Conduct may result in immediate suspension of ice privileges.